Annamaria Alfieri

As a reader, how do you feel about series that jump around? When you open the latest James Lee Burke, would you feel cheated if you didn’t find yourself in steamy Louisiana ? Or if William Kent Krueger took Cork O’Connor out of the Minnesota wilderness and popped him into New Jersey ? I know readers who were outraged when a recent book by Nevada Barr took National Parks ranger Anna Pigeon onto the streets of New Orleans .
In today’s market-driven publishing industry, editors can sometimes get a bit narrow-minded about where a mystery series is set. If it’s a South Florida series, by gum, they want every book to take place in South Florida . If it’s a Las Vegas series...well, what’s set in Las Vegas had darn well better stay in Las Vegas . The Big Six publishers in particular are wary of anything that might be labeled “regional” or as appealing only to a “niche” market, in spite of plenty of evidence to the contrary. “No one wants to read about Canada ” (cf Louise Penny) or “No one wants to read about Italy ” (cf Donna Leon), for example. On the other hand, I’ve heard of a New York series set in the music world being dismissed as “niche” by a prestigious smaller publisher located in another part of the country.
The more popular the author, the more latitude in this regard. For example, Laurie King’s Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes get to San Francisco ; Margaret Maron’s Judge Deborah Knott gets to Manhattan . But midlist writers like me are expected to keep a New York series firmly within New York . I didn’t know this going in. I originally envisioned my series about recovering alcoholic Bruce Kohler and his friends, world-class codependent Barbara and computer genius Jimmy, alternating between books set in the city (as we New Yorkers call it, as if no other existed) and books set “out of town” (as we characterize all other places from Boston to LA and mountains, lakes, and prairies from sea to shining sea).
My original editor nixed that right away. But I got the last laugh in the long run. Death Will Get You Sober and Death Will Help You Leave Him, the first two published novels made good use of the New York setting. I had fun writing them. But Death Will Extend Your Vacation, my Hamptons mystery—oh, aren’t the Hamptons part of New York City ?—came out this year. And while I can’t give details yet, I’ll be signing a contract soon for publication of my novella, Death Will Improve Your Relationship, set at a New Age intentional community in the country that’s known to the locals as Woo-Woo Farm. Writers know the importance of conflict in any story. Hey, take New Yorkers out of the city and put them anywhere else, and you’ve got conflict built right in.